CONSTANTINE I(1). Parents:
King of Daltiada KENNETH I.Children were: DONALD
of Eastern Roman Empire CONSTANTINE VII died in 959.
(1) He was Crowned as a minor in 911 kept from excersizing power until
945 by ambitious persons.(1) Parents:
Emperor of Eastern Roman Empire LEO VI.He was
married to HELENA.(1)
Children were: Emperor of the Eastern Empire
of the Roman Empire CONSTANTIUS in Constantine in conflict for the crown.
(1) Parents: UNKNOWN
BUT MARRIED and THEODORA.He was married to
Children were: Roman Emperor of the West VALENTENIAN
of the Roman Empire CONSTATINE "THE GREAT"
(1) was born in 288 in England. He died in 337. at the death of his
father he won the right as emperor by defeating his rival at the Battle of Milvan
Bridge; made great contribution to Christendom in becoming a Christian and adopting
Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire; convened the Concil of
Nicea which determined Christian belief for the people; established a second
capital at Constantinople; married among others Fausta; was the son of "Helen
of the Cross" Parents: Emperor of the Roman empire
to FAUSTA.(1)
Children were: Emperor of the Roman Empire CONSTATINE
of the Roman empire CONSTATINE CHLORUS was born about 250.
(1) He Appointed on 1 Mar 293 in Caesar by Emperor Mximan allotted
Briton and Gaul.(1) He on 1 May 305 in
Emperor of Rome.(1) He died on 25 Jul
306. Parents: EUTREPIENS Dardanian Nobleman and
CLAUDIA.He was married to
HELEN.(1) Children were:
Emperor of the Roman Empire CONSTATINE "THE GREAT".
of the Roman Empire CONSTATINE II(1)
died in 340 in invading his brother's part of the Empire. married Eusebia "The
after the Empire was divided between the brothers, Constantine II was killed
in 340 when he invaded one of his brother's parts of the Empire. Parents:
Emperor of the Roman Empire CONSTATINE "THE GREAT" and
FAUSTA.He was married to "The Elder"
EUSEBIA.(1) Children were:
Owsley [Cookie] COOK was born on 9 Oct 1923 in Danville, Ky.Boyle County.
Parents: William Robinson COOK and
Madge ISAACS.She was married to Clifford Milton
Jr. BRASELTON on 28 Aug 1948 in Danville, Ky.. Children were:
Clifford Milton Jr. BRASELTON, Robinson Cook BRASELTON
, Jane Ellen BRASELTON.
Robinson COOKChildren were: Ellen Owsley [Cookie]
Lenward CORAM. He was married to Frances Louise
Edward COTNER(16)He was married
to Mary MCRAVEN.(6)
COUNCILChildren were: Lucy COUNCIL.
. Parents: Hodges COUNCIL and
Lucy HARDY.Children were: Richard VICK,
Lucy VICK, Robert VICK,
Matthew VICK, John VICK,
Joseph VICK, William VICK.
BAUTE. Children were: EUDOXIA.
was born on 12 Jul 1894.(9) Parents:
John T[ Turkey ] COX and Mary
COX was born about 1829. Parents: John T. COX
and Sara WADE.He was married to
Nancy Jane ALLISON on 24 Apr 1856 in Posey Co.,Ind. Children were:
Joseph COX, Wayne COX, Thomas
COX, John T[ Turkey ] COX,
Ida COX, Sarah COX, Calvary
COX, Alfred COX, Sheridan
COX was born in 1777. He was born about 1779. He resided Abbeville District
SC 1800 census.He was married to Martha GARRIS
. Absolom Cox born abt 1779 and married Martha Garris with son John T. Cox born
in 1810 May be the same Absolom Cox born to Solomon Cox and Children were:
John T. COX.
COX was born about 1866. Parents: Absolom COX
and Nancy Jane ALLISON.
Louis COX was born on 20 Mar 1897. He was born on 20 Mar 1901. He died
on 5 Dec 1987. Parents: John T[ Turkey ] COX and
Mary Melvina MCREYNOLDS.He was married to Mary
Evelyn REEVES. Children were: Earl Dale COX,
Harold E. COX, Donald L COX
, Delbert COX.
COX was born about 1864. Parents: Absolom COX
and Nancy Jane ALLISON.
Louise COX was born on 14 Jul 1958 in Brownwood, Texas. Parents:
Marion Francis [Marty] COX and Marie Carolyn ISOM
.She was married to Kevin THOMPSON in San Antonio,
Texas. Children were: Kara Marie THOMPSON,
Christopher Larkin THOMPSON.
She was married to
David Reynaldo CARBAJAL on 12 Dec 1987 in San Antonio, Texas. Children were:
Casandra Del Rey CARBAJAL, David
Ann COX was born on 19 Oct 1965 in Methodist Hospital- San Antonio, Texas.
Parents: Marion Francis [Marty] COX and
Marie Carolyn ISOM.She was married to Sean Michael
GALLAGHER on 27 Feb 1993. Children were: Brandon
Lee COX was born on 15 Aug 1957. Parents: William
Howard COX and Wanda Jean COMPTON.
Renee COX was born on 24 Aug 1987 in Jasper,Indiana. Parents:
Ronald Dee COX and Bonnie Elizabeth COCHRANE.
COX Parents: Alva Louis COX and
Mary Evelyn REEVES.
L COX Parents: Alva Louis COX and
Mary Evelyn REEVES.
Mae COX was born on 9 Nov 1927 in Albion, Ill. She was born on 9 Nov 1927
in Edwards County, Illinois. She died on 12 Dec 1998 in Evansville, Indiana.
Parents: John Larkin COX and
Ethel Louise WICKENCAMP.She was married to Wallace
Wayne GIVEN on 24 Aug 1944. Children were: Rhonda
Catherine GIVEN, Douglas Wayne GIVEN.
David COX was born on 29 Mar 1962 in Stephenville, Texas. Parents:
Marion Francis [Marty] COX and Marie Carolyn ISOM
.He was married to Nicole Leigh WARD in Brooke
Army Medical Center- San Antonio, Texas. Children were:
Jacob Nathan COX, McKenzie Logan COX,
Korbin David COX.
Dale COX Parents: Alva Louis COX and
Mary Evelyn REEVES.
Eloise COX was born on 23 Sep 1914 in Poseyville, Ind. She was born on 23
Sep 1914 in Posey County, Indiana. Parents: John Larkin
COX and Ethel Louise WICKENCAMP.She was married
to Paul Eugene BAKER on 5 Apr 1940. She was divorced
from Paul Eugene BAKER in 1950. Children were: Paul Eugene
, Jr. BAKER, Carolyn Sue BAKER,
John Henry BAKER, Indimium Daniel BAKER.
Marie COX was born on 19 Jun 1920 in Albion, Ill. She was born on 19 Jun
1920 in Edwards County, Illinois. She died on 21 Aug 1996 in Searcy, Arkansas.
She was buried on 24 Aug 1996 in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Parents:
John Larkin COX and Ethel Louise WICKENCAMP.
She was married to Donald B. CURRY in Jan 1937 in Turman,
Ark. Children were: Ethel Yvonne CURRY,
Pauline Gwen CURRY, Rheba Lynn CURRY,
Donald Burl "Butch" CURRY.
COX was born in 1879.(9) She died
on 13 Mar 1894.(9) Parents:
John T[ Turkey ] COX and Nancy C COX.
Raymond COX was born on 2 Jan 1904. He was born on 12 Jan 1904 in Posey
County, Indiana. He died on 1 Nov 1974. He died on 1 Nov 1974 in `Albion, Illinois.
Parents: John T[ Turkey ] COX and
Mary Melvina MCREYNOLDS.He was married to Sylvia
CHITTY on 15 Apr 1922. Children were: Gilberta COX
COX was born on 9 Sep 1923. Parents: Gilbert Raymond
COX and Sylvia CHITTY.
E. COX Parents: Alva Louis COX and
Mary Evelyn REEVES.
Marlene COX was born on 25 Jul 1945. Parents: William
Howard COX and Wanda Jean COMPTON.
COX was born on 27 Aug 1884.(9) Parents:
John T[ Turkey ] COX and Nancy
COX Parents: Absolom COX and
Nancy Jane ALLISON.
Nathan COX was born on 31 Jan 1994. Parents: Dwight
David COX and Nicole Leigh WARD.
Edwin COX was born on 13 Nov 1949. Parents: Robert
Dale COX and Evelyn.
Larkin COX was born on 15 Aug 1895. He was born on 15 Aug 1895 in Poseyville,
Indiana. He died on 5 Dec 1976 in Evansville, Ind. He died on 5 Dec 1976 in
Evansville, Indiana. He was buried on 8 Dec 1976 in Albion, Illinois Cemetary.
He was buried in Graceland Cem. Albion, Ill. Parents:
John T[ Turkey ] COX and Mary Melvina MCREYNOLDS
.He was married to Ethel Louise WICKENCAMP on 19
Feb 1914 in Mt.Vernon,Indiana. Children were: Esther Eloise
COX, Kathryn Melvina COX,
Vivian Geraldine COX, Evelyn Marie COX,
Robert Eugene COX, William Howard COX,
Donna Mae COX, Marion Francis [Marty] COX.
Leonard COX was born on 30 Dec 1947. Parents: William
Howard COX and Wanda Jean COMPTON.
T. COX was born in 1810 in ?. He was born about 1810. He died in 1876 in
?. He died about 1876. Parents: Absolom COX and
Martha GARRIS.He was married to Sara WADE.
Children were: Absolom COX.
T[ Turkey ] COX was born on 24 Aug 1859 in Posey County, Indiana. He died
on 24 Aug 1932 in Wadesville, Indiana. Parents: Absolom
COX and Nancy Jane ALLISON.He was married to
Mary Melvina MCREYNOLDS on 27 Sep 1893. Children
were: COX, John Larkin COX
, Marion Absolom COX, Alva Louis
COX, Gilbert Raymond COX,
Robert Dale COX.
He was married to Sarah [Laurence]
BARTON on 22 Sep 1889.(9) He was divorced
from Sarah [Laurence] BARTON on 16 Oct 1891.(9)
He was married to Nancy C COX on 27 Jun 1878.
(9) Children were:
Fronia COX, William Ezra COX,
Henry COX, Mary COX.
James COX was born on 6 Feb 1956 in Nix Hospital - San Antonio, Texas. Parents:
Marion Francis [Marty] COX and
Marie Carolyn ISOM.Children were: Candida Christa
COX. Children were: Mary Elizabeth COX.
COX. Parents: Absolom COX and
Nancy Jane ALLISON.
Melvina COX was born on 2 Jun 1916 in Albion, Ill. She was born on 2 Jun
1916 in Posey County, Indiana. She died on 29 Aug 1997 in Albion, Illinois.
She was buried on 31 Aug 1997 in Albion, Illinois. Parents:
John Larkin COX and Ethel Louise WICKENCAMP.
She was married to Mervin Ernest RIGG on 30 Jun 1935
in Benton.Ill. Children were: Janice Elaine RIGG
, Evelyn Ilene RIGG, Mervin
Donald RIGG, Vivian Dianne RIGG.
She was married
to James E PEPPERWORTH in 1984 in Benton, Ill.
David COX was born on 12 Aug 1998. Parents: Dwight
David COX and Nicole Leigh WARD.
COX was born on 6 Sep 1947. Parents: Robert Dale COX
and Evelyn.
Absolom COX was born on 26 Feb 1899. He was born on 26 Feb 1899. He died
in 1943. He died in 1943. Parents: John T[ Turkey ] COX
and Mary Melvina MCREYNOLDS.
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